Be Healthier in 2019 with These Five Best Health Apps


Your phone is so smart that it can actually be a health and fitness instructor for you. With the right health apps installed on it, it can show you the right way to be a healthier person, it can guide you to do the right workout, and it can help you plan the right diet to control your weight and to stay fit. It can even protect you from life-threatening diseases and the death itself. Here are the five best health apps that you should have in your smartphone now.


Fooducate, Healthy Weight Loss & Calorie Counter is a cool app that will make your diet program the most enjoyable one. Have you ever wondered why unhealthy foods look good and healthy foods look unappetizing? With this app, you will change this paradigm. This app will educate you about healthy diet and how living healthily is actually enjoyable. With this app, you can plan a healthy diet that doesn’t make you suffer. Another thing that this app can do is calculating the calories of the food that you eat. As you already know, certain individuals need a certain number of calories in a day in order to stay healthy and fit, to lose weight, or to gain one. With this app, such calculation is easy to do.

Google Fit

One of the best health apps on Play Store is actually developed by Google. Although it cannot be considered a rich app to assist your fitness routine, it is sufficiently helpful for a free app to help you lose weight, gain one, or stay fit. With virtually no in-app purchase, you get a complete set of tools to track your fitness routines from the very first you download this app. The app is very simple. The first time you open it, you will set your daily goals, which include moving, dancing, practicing yoga, and doing other physical exercises. If you can maintain your commitment, you can achieve your short-term and long-term fitness goals.

Lose Weight Without Dieting

For people who wish to lose their weight, dieting is often the hardest thing to do. With this app, a diet should not make you suffer. Don’t let the app’s name mislead you, though, because it doesn’t actually encourage you to skip dieting in your effort to lose weight. It simply tells you that a strict diet is not the best way to lose weight because you will feel depressed and because there is a big risk of relapse after you do a fast and strict diet. With this app, you can plan your diet more conveniently so that you don’t have to suffer from a strict and tasteless diet, which this app claims to give you more harm than good. This is one of the best health apps to get through the weight loss program conveniently, comfortably, and deliciously.

Leap Fitness Apps

Leap Fitness Group is a resourceful developer when it comes to offering health apps. There are a number of workout apps developed by them that you can find on Google Play, including home workout that is easy to do by everyone, plank workout for everyone who wishes to get into shape, female fitness app for women, arm workout for bigger and stronger arms, and other workout apps that help you shape your legs, buttock, abs, and every shapeable part of your body. If you want to lose weight with the right exercises, Leap Fitness Group can provide you with a complete set of workout apps to assist you.

You Are Your Own Gym

You Are Your Own Gym, stylized YAYOG, is not a free app, but it provides you with a complete set of more than 200 exercise instructions that help you lose weight, stay healthy, and stay fit. What is great about this app is that it allows you to do all gym exercises without leaving your home and without using any complex and expensive gym equipment. All exercises can be done without equipment or with simple tools you find at home, such as your chair and bench. If you have ample free storage in your phone, you can optionally download instruction videos for all exercises so that you can understand how the exercises take place without reading even a single letter. If you are looking for an easy and practical app to assist you in your workout, YAYOG is definitely one of the best health apps to have in your phone.

One Small Notice

As of 2019, all of the health apps above are available for download and install from Play Store. If you cannot find any of them when trying to search them on Play Store, that can mean that the app is not available in your home country. Don’t worry because when you search for an unavailable app, Play Store can provide you with alternatives relevant to the app you are looking for.