Some people think that playing games are not useful. Some people even despise games because kids will be so into their games and they are not paying attention to their surroundings. However, do you know that playing games once in a while can help improve your brain? The key is to not to play games for many hours. Instead, you can play your games for one hour per day. You can also play a game while you are on the way to your family gathering so that you will not get bored in the car. In this three-day Memorial Day weekend, there are so many families who decide to go on traveling. If you, as a parent, do not want to keep on hearing your children asking you “are we there yet?”, you can bribe them to play with games. They will not get bored easily and you can focus on the street.
There are, of course, many new games each week at Apple’s App Store or Android’s Google Play for the smartphone. Most of the games are also free. However, most of the parents and children do not know which game will be suitable to be played in this weekend getaway. Therefore, to help you, we will be giving you a list of Memorial Day games which can be played by young teens or toddlers.
Bitmoji Party on Snapchat
The first game which you can play in the Memorial Day weekend getaway is the Bitmoji Party which is invented by Snapchat. For your information, Snapchat, which is used by around 190 million users, is not just a social media platform which enables you to transform your face into something silly and funny or keeping in touch with all of your friends. These days, games have infiltrated the Snapchat and the Bitmoji Party is one of the games. In this game, you and your friends will be brought to life in 3D as “bitmojis” which is like cartoon-like avatars to compete in minigames. You can play solo in this game but it is more fun to compete with your friends across four fast-paced minigames such as Pool Party, Spin Session, Kick Off, and Zombie Escape. Once you win the game, you will be able to earn virtual coins and you can use those coins to unlock in-game content. The most fun thing? You can trash talk with your friends while you are playing since chatting is enabled in-game.
Dragalia Lost
The second Memorial Day game which you can play is the Dragalia Lost. If you think that this game can only be played on Nintendo Switch console, then you are wrong. You can play this game on your smartphone and it is played from a third-person perspective. Dragalia Lost is an action role-playing game or RPG which takes place in the fictional kingdom of Alberia where humans and dragons live together. Of course, no game is fun without some problems, right? In this game, after the Holy Shard, which protects Alberia’s people, begins to lose its power, the Seventh Prince then sets out on a great and epic adventure to restore tranquility and peace to the land. Just like any other RPG games, you will be joining the Seventh Prince and take on quests and join others to fight in real-time battles with enemies using might and magic. You can also transform into a dragon. You will also sharpen your skills over time, buy & sell items, open treasure chests, take on first-class boss fighters, and unravel a mystery. This game also supports a four-player cooperative or co-op mode but only after you unlock the second chapter of the main campaign.
Words Story
The last Memorial Day game which you can download and play is this Words Story game. If you love to play a puzzle game, then this game will be perfect for you. Words Story will challenge you to figure out the correct word from a bunch of jumbled letters. To make things more complicated, you will see that you do not need all the letters to make the word. Confuse? Here is an example for you, the letter “E, T, R, X, A, E, E, M” may be scrambled on the screen with the winning word being “Extreme.” The only way to remove letters which you do not need is by creating other words from these letters. So, if you make the words “Meat” and “Ate from the letters you do not need, then you will be able to remove “A” from the board since you do not need an A in “Extreme.”